Minggu, 27 Oktober 2013

class diagram for system blog

Use case is a program that is used in making a variety of processes running in a system where there are a variety of menu use case that is used in accordance with the business processes that put more emphasis on the user or users .

• Discussed After the previous article about the usage and the menu on the blog using the metaphor of a use case diagram then this point that we can take the Conclusions in the use case diagram , namely :• Describe the expected functionality of a system .• Describe the system requirements from the user perspective• focuses on the process of computerization (automated processes)• Describe the relationship between use cases and actors• Use case describes the process of system• In general , the use case is :- The sequence of related transactions performed by an actor• Use case diagram consists of  - Use case  - Actors  - Relationship  - System boundary boxes ( optional )  - Packages ( optional )

• Use case purpose made ​​based actor• Use case given name stating what is Achieved from the interaction with the actors .• Use case denoted with images• Use case usually uses the verb• Name of the use case may Consist of several words and can not have 2 use case that has the same name

ACTOR• Actor describe people , systems or external entities / stakeholders who provide or receive information from the system• Actor describe a task / role and position rather than a position• Actor provide input or receive information from the system• Actor normally use nouns• There should be no direct communication between actors• Indications << system >> to an actor that is a system• An actor named " Time " which indicate scheduled events ( an event that Occurs Periodically / monthly )• Put your actors play in the top left corner of the diagram• Associations not describe the flow of data / information• Associations are used to Illustrate how the actors in the use case INVOLVED

  •              There are 4 types of relationships that can arise in the use case diagram
• Association between actor and use case• Association between use case• Generalization / Inheritance between use case• Generalization / Inheritance between actorsWell that's a discussion of the use cases we can now introduce a class called class diagram diagram of how to describe what the menu is on the blog when we use a blog .Know the class diagram• What is the class diagram of the Class is a specification that if instantiated to produce an object and is at the core of development and object-oriented design .• Class describes the state ( attribute / property ) of a system , as well as offering services to manipulate the situation ( method / function) .• Class diagrams describe the structure and description of the class , along with the package and object relationships to each other as containment , inheritance , associations , and others .• Class has three play areas:- 1 . Name ( and stereotypes )- 2 . attribute- 3 . method• Attributes and methods can have one of the following properties :- Private , can not be called from outside the class in question- Protected , may only be invoked by the relevant class and the children who inherit- Public , can be called by anyone• Association , the static relationship between classes . Generally describes the attributes of a class that has another class , or classes that need to know the existence of another class . Navigability arrows indicate the direction queries between classes .• 2 . Aggregation , namely the relationship roomates section states ( " consists of .. " ) .• 3 . Inheritance , the hierarchical relationships between classes . Class can be derived from another class and inherits all the attributes and methods of class origin and adds new functionality , so she called the children of the inherited class . Inheritance is the opposite of generalization .• 4 . Dynamic relationship , roomates is a series of messages ( message) roomates is passed from one class to another class . Dynamic relationship can be described using sequence diagrams .In the blog so we can see that there are a lot of menus that can be accessed by the user , with a first look at the context of the class diagram that is the menu manage profile , manage posts , manage templates , manage income , manage overview , manage login .For the first menu that manage profile we can create new input profile . Edit profile and delete profile . That is the new input profile then we can make- our name , email , memos and all that distinguished between one user with another user with id_profile . In the process of dealing with changes in the edit id_profile set , get id_profile , set system_username , get system_username . Here is intended to see how such a system can be running a set of processes that are connected to each other as seen from the point of view of the user .If the theories are described by name , attributes and methodsFor the Tb profile name , attributes such as id_profile , system_username , email_user , and memos that accompanied each character .For the next menu , mange posts there are sub menu input new post , edit post , view and delete blog post post ,Class name : Tb postsAttribute : content_posting , content_status date , length of post• Method : set _content post , get _content post , set date ) post content, get date_contentpost . For further menu menu then almost Equally adapted to the main menu and then create an instance of the main menu and the menu derivative must have the linkages in the system and it is intended by the name of the association with the sense of the Association , the static relationship between classes . Generally describes the attributes of a class that has another class , or classes that need to know the existence of another class . Navigability arrows indicate the direction queries between classes .

Minggu, 06 Oktober 2013

usecase about blog advantages and processes

This time I will publish an article about the knowledge I learned recently that electronic business. An electronic business is a science of the various businesses that we can manage through media accounts that exist in cyberspace. Want to know what I am going to discuss about the man???
well this we will discuss the business processes that take place or a series of interrelated if we use a blog account. whether you know what a blog is?
blog is short for web log is a web application that resembles the form of writings (published as a post) on a public web page. These writings are often published in reverse order (most recent content first and then followed the older content), although not necessarily so. Web sites like these can usually be accessed by all Internet users according to the topics and goals of the user's blog.if already know what a blog it would have to know the benefits and what are the things that exist in blog

1 . increase knowledge
In addition to channel ideas , talents , hobbies , spare time with something useful , also can bring in money . Yes we can get income with blogs such as through advertising programs both within and outside the country . Later we learned together in another article .

2 . Being a researcher ( researcher )
When you begin to understand how to create a blog , and a blogger , start writing articles about what you can and love , or even just know a little , of course you do not want to write because the goal is the origin of visitors or readers of your blog get good info and useful . To write something good , true , and useful often we have to do a bit of research or study , in this case for references , either from books , dialogue with friends , or the easiest is through search engines especially Google . Well from our efforts to make a good article that we would find so many new things for us to read and understand , and the more we know how to do research / research brief and simple even summarize it in an original article informative and useful for others. You learn a lot being a good researcher is not it?
3. Add to friends and relatives
Blogger composed of many groups , professions , ages , and from all over the world can interact with each other at any time . Enormous potential for us to expand relationships , gain new friends and new relationships especially in the hobby / favorite / the same profession . From there it is possible happened exchange ideas , share experiences , and even the potential of the business . Is not it nice to have a lot of friends with the same ideas and preferences ?

4 . Helping others
If you have any tips or knowledge in a particular field for the benefit of others, your visitors will surely feel greatly helped by your writings , so , by writing articles in a blog , we can help others , is not very meaningful our lives if it could be helpful and beneficial to others ? Once the magnitude of the benefits of blogs for us if we are completely unaware .

5 . make money
Do not forget if the blog could make money ! How do I ? Logically , the more visitors your blog , one of the ways to make money from blog is through an advertising program called PPC (Paid Per Click )
It's not easy how to create a blog that brings many visitors to our blog , but with a spirit and a great curiosity , we can learn step by step what we can do to bring in more visitors
 on our blog .
Recognizing the benefits of blogging then we can simply use but more about that in the blog menu .Starting from then we enter login and password menu we created earlier then definitely start from the beginning once someone definitely want his identity known to the other blog users then this is related to the profile of the person we will make a new profile if first create a blog , and can mngedit data if there is a change or error and even delete some data from our profile , the second thing people often use to share the post that is the menu , the menu can we post a new article , if something goes wrong then artikedapat edit or stored in advance and the ie removing the last article , after article menu is often used by bloggers, of course everyone has different characters can be seen with her ​​bagaiimana use template facilities , look what he kenankan so we can choose the menu template tamplate , change templates, and delete template. Already lucrative also our discussion on this blog and the menu that is there now let's talk about what the menu so that usually if we want to see people become followers of us , how people see us or post shows there are people who komemtar about it in articles, previous course suitable description that we shall benefit from the blog can be monetized jumalahnya inclusion of people based on how often clicking relating to advertising . Many most people do not know how. Appropriate representation on the first case where we organize language in the settings menu then immediately enter the menu income or no income , and this he can make money and that is adsen google registration ; another device .